It's miserable, trust me, stay away at all costs. At Joby Aviation, were making that possible with our pioneering electric aircraft. Management and supervisors except for a select few all hate their jobs as much as you will if you work here. Their is little to no team work, and expect high turn over and people calling out constantly because there is no repercussions when you call out as their is no occurrence system, but of course if they don't like you, they'll use that as grounds for termination. Established in 1947, AER is a privately held electronics. Don't even get me started on their 401k plan.their matching plan in the end leaves you upside down - might as well not do it and invest on your own. AER is the nation's premier source for electronics remanufacturing. The PTO sucks, 40 hours until you are about 5+ years you get 120. If you work upstairs in customer service the A/C is comfortable but the atmosphere from co-workers and the management team is suffocating. The A/C in the warehouse is just big fans, meanwhile all of management sits comfortably upstairs in A/C as they watch over you like slaves - if you happen to work in the warehouse. They pay garbage and low ball you as much as they can. Problems with processes and procedures go "un-fixed" until something does not work, where they absolutely HAVE to fix it. 2023 OEConnection All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy Information on the site is sensitive and should remain confidential and used only in conduct of your ordinary. Since 1947, AER Technologies has been the industry leading source. This is the second time Tech has kicked off its season in Dublin. SITA is the IT provider for the air transport industry, delivering solutions for airlines, airports, aircraft and governments. Management plays the favoritism game, they take out their bad day on you, they give you little to no supervision until a supervisor complains about you. 409 likes 10 talking about this 175 were here. that is most likely the last time you will hear anything about growth in this company and not for good reason.

is located at 650 Columbia St Brea, CA, 92821-2912 United States What is Aer. The CEO will explain to you on your hire date or interview on how this is the greatest place to work and that you have opportunities to move up. Just 139.99 Where is Aer Technologies, Inc.